「情陷夜中环沈思辰结局」电影描述的是知识分子犹太人群体的二战难民经历和Jo Jo Rabbit同样明媚的画面、淡淡的忧伤儿童的视角粉兔子、怀表、气球这些小物件都安排得恰如其分刚到泪点、不煽情我想这样的影片绝不是为了还原历史更是对现代难民我和公发生了性关系怎么办甚至往大了说是在各大城市中漂泊的人们提供了两个小时的精神安慰就像男主角所说的「农村弄丰满熟妇XXXXX性高清」知足也就能快乐地生活下去
I read her biography many years ago. Maybe because of the perspective it seems very wield. But years later when I watch this movie I found I see the real things that happened at that time which is out of people's mind to understand. It is like little women version in philosophy world in Europe but even harder for people to understand.