"It struck me as funny that these guys at the summit of power, spiritual power, musical power, world fame, '65, May, June, were so unsure of their minds and speech."—Allen Ginsberg
除了科技进步102真狗国语这个片还是和九十年代一样 音乐太好听了 各种刻板印象印度数学老师哈哈哈英国人不一定gay但一定要gayElementary, my dear Watson.
烦躁失望失眠刷剧102真狗国语终于完结了这部断续看了很久的都市童话音乐虽不能改变人生但能改变我们面对人生的态度同样的友情也是 还有好像有很久很久没有练琴了 There's a somebody I'm longing to see. I hope that she turns out to be someone who'll watch over me.