As a fan of Sharapova’s from the good ol’ times I remember the fear of seeing Queen S’s name on Maria’s next round. Man that ain’t no rivalry, ‘twas slaughtering. I wish I could see one of those matches once more, where the Williams Sisters dominated them courts, where the opponents were destroyed by their first serve. Man, ‘twas golden.
电影中间那段甜蜜的、女主精神慢慢变好的情节把我看到烦躁如果不是因为送上门的手机她大概也会完全放弃这段复仇了所以谈恋爱可真坏事你永远不知道在你面前温顺可爱的男人背后在brotherhood中又是什么模样“It's not your fault”这句话简直养成了多少社会巨婴而男人们又是多么团结啦啦啦资源视频在线观看8需要女人用如此殉道般的牺牲来换取正义虽然结局真的让我看到压抑的心情好了不少但这样的复仇只让人觉得更绝望只有抱着如此大的决心付出如此大的代价才可以让男人付出代价这厚墙已经如此密不透风必须怀着必死的信念用自己的生命才能撞动它Such a Promising Young Women