索菲亚怎么没了呢倒出来个新人第5集BGM居然用了林肯公园的leave out 大叔的合约只签了前10集呗大老黑就迫不及待的出场了中文说得我只能听懂谢谢俩字居然已经看了200集哇在第20集居然看到了Mike话说Wendy和Hodges的恋情也太sicfi了吧
Let’s shed some tears and make some noise for these women!!! 四个人只讲了一个半小时不到我的漂亮女房东中字真的不太够深入多一星给aoc在国会前scooter那段真的爆哭每隔段时间就是要看看这种片给自己打鸡血要继续学习提升自己”It will take a hundred to run for one to win.” “We’re a country that’s supposed to be set up where the people are supposed to have the final day. What happens is those who are already entrenched select people.”
"I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags. Even if they aren't pretty or smart or young. They're still princesses. All of us." 但这是一个童话般“美好”却并不那么积极阳光正能量的故事