3.8 篝火一段拍得挺不錯在蜿蜿蜒蜒的山路上穿過橋任由強反光照射在車玻璃前方再由樹蔭覆蓋很多畫面很像靜物風景般的處理讓人洗眼睛但最美的是對時間細膩流逝感的捕捉Sorrow is nothing but worn out joy這句話輕輕點出了兩人情誼間沉默不說的過去與現在對白稀少情感充沛Lucy is my darling這個公司名太棒了
“sorrow is nothing but worn-out joy." 3.5 so, the thing about friendship is just universal -- it changes, for sure, but the core of love and not wanting it to change stay the same. "i just want us to be real friends again" scene is authentic and touching.