#14th first # 这是一部非常first的电影很高兴看到有年轻导演在不断地探索影像的形式非常有意思的道德戏谑消解文本消解表演消解影像消解真与假的边界124分钟只有俩长镜头低本低就算了真人做爰高潮全过程免费视看还是在如此狭小的空间太厉害了(本场映后还发现了谢飞导演 好开心)
Can women have it all? I once thought that the feminist problem was put behind me for good as I left Barnard--it turned out that it actually has just commenced. Also, am I the only one who notices in here a Wellesley girl named Elizabeth Warren? She is a die-hard Republican.