从影片开始的风干戈壁摩托飚车开始便睁大了眼睛看了一个小时前半段八大挑战一度联想起《含在里面不允许掉出来》和《阿甘正传在线观看》的连环犯罪可惜好像自从偷了钻石和抢了美金就专心挑战极限和自然敬畏信仰与犯罪无关剧情硬伤但视觉效果真不是盖的尤其life of sky 翼装滑行太帅少妇一区二区三区四区芒果TV是小时候对飞行的幻想
诺玛已将自己完全献给了年轻时一场太过美好的梦以致完全失去自我而有些人总是轻易屈服于唾手可得的欲望直至为时已晚再也无法脱离"You see, this is my life. It always will be. There's nothing else. Just us... and the cameras... and those wonderful people out there in the dark."
Lars von Trier's film always seems dark and violence, being repressived...he is the one who can show you a messed up story and let you relearn everything in life.Of course, you will be happy about the ending, it's not happy though, but it's good enough. For a closure.