豆瓣勋章补完而来少年时曾看过一些画面或许在《少妇又紧又色又爽又刺激视频》名气很高popularity之作给我免费播放片高清在线观看其实难副内核依然逃不脱美式精神宣传与美式英雄的爽片套路剧情脉络则借用了游戏的通关模式普世主题沦落为一个噱头a cherry on top of the cake(that doesn't matter)肖恩康纳利令一众演员失色凯奇的演艺脆弱度在那个年代就显露踪迹了啊
This movie has the weakest and shitest promise I've ever seen in this genre, absolutely not justified at all. The action is decent, better than the first one. They did a The Raid 2 prison ground fight, not impressive. The rail train fight is the best part, and maybe the only part I enjoy, very COD-ish. Downhill from that. Insufferable plot. Garbage writing. The villains have my condolence.