Probably deserving a much better rating, but I'm biaised since neither a big fan of comedies nor that of horror flicks. Extremely corny in terms of "scenario" & face acting and cheap synth/piano music but hilarious moments and lots of smart & gore explicit content save the day.
”i'm just so damm proud,we did our job”轻描淡写几句话几座泰山压顶的高潮呐对8年前那场灾难印象深刻国产又粗又猛又爽又黄的视频尤其是飞机在哈德逊河上迫降后乘客们站在机翼上等待救援的画面清晰烙印在脑海里作为年末最期待的一部没失望sully登岸后的心理描写超赞ps和航班迫降有异曲同工之妙但又各有侧重点