“Time waits for no one……” 记得最深的一句话是因为我们都无法改变那匆匆来去的玩意纵使是可以夜色暗涌时电视剧也逃不出时间的捉弄…… 当回到过去的次数只剩一次当她高高跃起我看到了她许久未落的眼泪 “我在未来等你……” 千昭的许诺说的那么平静我却听的支离破碎未来真的还能遇见么不管怎样我还是相信因为他在未来等她…… “我马上就去跑着去” 真琴的回答那么充满勇气却又那么伤感毕竟话里的未知性与不确定性太多那种无奈是最痛苦的
Because we don't know when we will die, We get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Things happen only a certain number of times, and a small number really. How many times will you remember an afternoon of your childhood and afternoon so deeply a part of you that you cann't be without it? Maybe four or five times, perhaps not even that