太好看了我最喜欢的青春片 看到Daria分手后Tom说敬仰她、还想做朋友感觉Tom和Daria这段感情Tom好像一直喜欢Daria多过Daria喜欢他封神榜第一部电影免费播放开始得也很微妙就这样结束也蛮好忽然就没有那么不喜欢Tom了Quinn小天使越来越可爱了Jane Daria make a deal那段也是非常感动和羡慕了
Godfather 2.0. Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain both give a brilliant performance, and the feeling of cold-stone and old history is very sophisticated. Only this time, violence actually doesn't rule - integrity does. I was kind of hoping the script would turn dark and evil.